The story "The Memaloose Islands" tells the story of a young chief and the woman he loves. The chief goes over the spirit trail and cannot find any rest in the land of the spirits. The maiden had a vision telling her that she should go to the land of the spirits and she told her father about her vision. He prepared a canoe and they paddled up Great River to the spirit island. They heard singing and a beat drum and four spirits greeted them when they reached the death island. The maiden got off the canoe, but her father returned home. She found the chief and they danced all night. When the morning came, the spirits slept but she could not sleep soundly. She woke up later that day, surrounded by skeletons and skulls. The maiden realized she was in the island of death and became filled with horror. She found a boat and paddled home to her village. Her father was worried though, because she had been to the spirit land and evil would fall upon the tribe if she returned. Again, th...