Pygmalion lived alone. He saw the flaws of all the women around him and decided it was better to live on his own than with any of the corrupt women he could take as a wife. But Pygmalion was lonely, so one day, he decided to create the perfect women. He took out his easel, brushes, and paints, and drew a woman so beautiful, no man would ever doubt her perfection. He painted her clothes of fine silk, skin as white as ivory, and fine jewelry as gorgeous as she. Once she was completed, Pygmalion framed her painting and hung it on his wall, where he passed by every day. Every time he walked past her, Pygmalion would caress her cheeks or stroke her name, pretending the canvas to be flesh. And little by little, he added to her image, painting her a small gift every day. Rapidly, Pygmalion fell in love with her more and more, but grew more and more discontent with her lack of life. When the festival of Venus finally arrived, Pygmalion saw this opportunity to pray to the gods for a liv...