For this class, I think what will be most helpful is setting "class times" for myself. Since there are no set meeting times, I can give myself times set aside solely for this course instead of just working on it during my homework time. The first article I read was Amanda Oliver's "Time Management Tips Just for Creatives." While most tips in this article were written for creative careers such as artists or designers, many of them can be applied to an academic environment. A couple that stuck out to me that I think I will be able to use in my classes this semester are to manage your energy instead of just managing time and to start with the most daunting task while ending with your favorite task. I also read the article "11 Ways Unsuccessful People Mismanage Their Time." The best tips that are applicable to this course are to schedule and prioritize. The article that resonated with me most, however, was "How to Beat Procrastination." There have been many times I have found myself pushing off tasks because I don't want to do them or they seem too difficult. This article gives the good tip of visualizing how you will feel once you've actually completed the task; a tangible outcome can give you the push you need to actually complete the task. I think my best strategy for this class will be scheduling times to focus solely on this class and to not procrastinate an assignment just because I don't feel like doing it right then. (It will have to get done at some point!)
Image of planner. Source: pxhere.
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