In the story "Mouse and Mouser," a mouse and cat have a conversation while the cat is spinning. The mouse asks the cat what she is doing, and she replies that she is spinning breeches. The mouse tells her that he hopes she wears them a long time, and she says that she will wear them and tear them. The mouse says he was cleaning his room and the cat replies that he is cleaner. The mouse says he found a sixpence and the cat says that he is now richer. The mouse says he want to the market and bought a pudding, then put it in the window to cool. The cat starts snarling, and the mouse timidly says a cat came and ate the pudding. The cat pounces on the mouse, saying she will eat him, and she does.
This story is written as a back and forth conversation. Each comment is written as a repeating sentence, such as "I was sweeping my room, my lady, my lady, I was sweeping my room, my lady." I think it would be difficult to write my entire story in the style, but it may be interesting to do for part of it.
Mouse from Max Pixel
Story source: English Fairy Tales by Joseph Jacobs with illustrations by John D. Batten (1890).
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