"The Tale of King Rhampsinitus" tells the story of a king named Rhampsinitus, who creates a chamber for his wealth. He has builders construct a stone chamber near his palace. One of the workers put in a stone in a way that allowed it to be taken out and put back in without anyone noticing. The worker realizes he is close to dying, and he tells his sons about the stone so they may go into the chamber and take treasures from the king. One night, the two sons entered the chamber and stole some of the riches. The king realizes someone has stolen from him, but does not know how. He places traps throughout the chamber to catch the thief. When the brothers go back, one enters first and is caught in the trap. Realizing he would be killed the next day if just left there, he also tells his brother he should cut off his head so his body will not be identified. The escaping brother does as the trapped one says, and leaves with his head. The king again returns to the tomb and is confused by how two people have entered and one has escaped. To go back to get his brother's body, the surviving brother gets the guards drunk and grabs the body. The king wants to know who is smart enough to enter his chamber and escape, so he sends his daughter to find out who this man is. She gets the man to confess to robbing the king; she tries to grab him, but instead grabs his brother's body's arm, which is hidden under his robe. The king sends out a message, saying he just wants to know who is cunning enough to rob him and whoever comes forward will not be punished. The man reveals himself to the king, and because the king is so impressed, he gives his daughter to him as a wife.
Hello! My name is Shea Penning and I'm excited to meet you! I am a junior majoring in Advertising and minoring in Italian. I was born in Texas, have lived in Nevada and California, and was raised in Edmond, Oklahoma. I don't know exactly what I want to do once I graduate, but right now I think I'd like to continue my education at a portfolio school and study graphic design. One of my favorite parts of college has been getting involved on campus! I got involved in Soonerthon Exec my freshman year in the Ambassador (aka fundraising) committee. I joined the same committee the next year as a team captain. If you are unfamiliar with Soonerthon, it is OU's official philanthropy for the Oklahoma City Children's Hospital Foundation and ends with a huge dance marathon in March. Last year, we raised over $1 million FTK (For the Kids)! Picture of me at Soonerthon 2018. Personal image. Soonerthon falls under Campus Activities Council, which is the programming branch ...
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